International Master
Academic Year 2024 - 2025

minimizes the negative and legal consequences of your actions
and protects the reputation
and "health" of your organization
The Master is aimed at entrepreneurs, executives, managers, officers and professionals in the private and public sector and to anyone interested in the profession and / or function of Export Compliance Officer.
The Master is aimed at entrepreneurs, executives, managers, officers and professionals in the private and public sector and to anyone interested in the profession and / or function of Export Compliance Officer.
Until the registered quota is reached
and no later than September 7, 2024
on September 21, 2024
By end of the 2nd Quarter 2025
Until the registered quota is reached
and no later than September 7, 2024
on September 21, 2024
By end of the 2nd Quarter 2025
Export Compliance provides critical support to organizations of any size in the management of Compliance Risk, which is the risk of legal or regulatory sanctions, financial losses or deterioration of the reputation for failing to comply with laws, regulations and legislation, codes of conduct and best practices (Dual Use, Penalties, Decree No. 231).
The Master allows to learn how to check, manage, and control the risks arising from a failure or incorrect compliance with the rules that govern all activities of import and export of goods and / or services, tangible and intangible assets including the transfer of means of payment, which in some way are subject to the rules applicable to transactions between two different states / jurisdictions.
In the past, the control activity was focused on the risk that the dual-use items (Dual Use) could be used for unlawful purposes; today are added new risks for breach of sanctions, embargoes, restrictions both of a financial product. (Iran, Syria, Russia, etc.).
The penalties, both administrative and criminal, now to be applied in the event of infringement of the laws can be very heavy.
The governments of the EU Member States rely on proper compliance by exporters and operators to ensure that all laws / regulations are complied with.
The security of EU member states is based on the ability of its exporters and operators to be able to run their businesses in compliance with the norms and International Agreements to ensure international security, safeguarding the competitiveness of enterprises.
The review of the export control sytem launched by the authorities in the EU and US, calls for a new specialization for those working in the field, in public or private sectors.
The Master aims to deepen and learn practical methodological systems of management, audit and control (Export Compliance) in line with best practices developed in EU / USA and the EU Framework of Export Compliance, such as:
- Internal Compliance Program (ICP)/ECAP
- Evaluation and classification of the tangible and intangible assets
- Identification of risks and their management
- Management of the export process from order to delivery
- Enhanced Due diligence
The Master Programme will be held interactively, virtually via WebEx and EIFEC's e-learning platform.
We are adapting to the "new normal" and are working to make the Programme of great interest, allowing people from every part of the world to attend it. We hope you will find the Master engaging and of high quality.
The Master Programme includes (optionally, for those interested) participation in a Training Programme in the U.S. (3 days) or alternatively via online platform, with specialized instructors from the Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS).
BIS is the Government Agency managing the U.S. Export Control. This attendance allows to obtain the BIS Training Certification, which will be integrated in the Certificate of Accreditation as Export Compliance Officer issued at the end of the Master.
Scheduling (dates and location) will be agreed upon by EIFEC and BIS, based on participants. Costs are not included in the Master enrolment fee.
minimum 15 / maximum 40 Applicants
2.350,00 €
• Undergraduate Degrees
• Work Experience
Applicants can apply, although lacking an academic degree, at condition to have a minimum of 5 years continuous, relevant full-time work experience and skills related to Export Management, to be evaluated through a selection process.
Applications will be evaluated and accepted by the Board of Examiners based on chronological order, on Curriculum and motivations.
The Master Programme will be held interactively, virtually via WebEx and EIFEC's e-learning platform.
- We are adapting to the "new normal" and are working to make the Programme of great interest, allowing people from every part of the world to attend it. We hope you will find the Master engaging and of high quality.
- The Master Programme includes (optionally, for those interested) participation in a Training Programme in the U.S. (3 days) or alternatively via online platform, with specialized instructors from the Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS). BIS is the Government Agency managing the U.S. Export Control. This attendance allows to obtain the BIS Training Certification, which will be integrated in the Certificate of Accreditation as Export Compliance Officer issued at the end of the Master. Scheduling (dates and location) will be agreed upon by EIFEC and BIS, based on participants. Costs are not included in the Master enrolment fee.
- minimum 15 / maximum 40 Applicants
2.350,00 €
• Undergraduate Degrees
• Work Experience
- Applicants can apply, although lacking an academic degree, at condition to have a minimum of 5 years continuous, relevant full-time work experience and skills related to Export Management, to be evaluated through a selection process.
- Applications will be evaluated and accepted by the Board of Examiners based on chronological order, on Curriculum and motivations.
- Materials will be provided for each lesson
- Students will have access to the EIFEC digital platform and the related lesson materials. Within the platform you can share content and interact with the Faculty members
- Informational support and assistance will be provided
- • will be communicated upon activation
- The lessons will take place in a virtual classroom, via WebEx and the EIFEC e-learning platform
- • weekend formula, Saturday and Sunday
- • the lessons will be video-recorded and available
in the platform for rehearsal - Since Export Compliance is a very lively subject and with new developments in progress, the schedule may undergo changes to keep pace with the changing geopolitical scenarios
Materials will be provided for each lesson
Students will have access to the EIFEC digital platform and the related lesson materials. Within the platform you can share content and interact with the Faculty members
Informational support and assistance will be provided
• will be communicated upon activation
The lessons will take place in a virtual classroom, via WebEx and the EIFEC e-learning platform
• weekend formula, Saturday and Sunday
• the lessons will be video-recorded and available in the platform for rehearsal
Since Export Compliance is a very lively subject and with new developments in progress, the schedule may undergo changes to keep pace with the changing geopolitical scenarios
Project Work
EIFEC Master Certificate

The Master Certificate allows the accreditation by EIFEC as Export Compliance Officer.
The Accreditation give title to perform activities in Export Compliance as part of the Export Compliance Framework.
In the case of attendance at the BIS Training in the USA, the qualification will be extended.
Project Work
EIFEC Master Certificate
The Master Certificate allows the accreditation by EIFEC as Export Compliance Officer.
The Accreditation give title to perform activities in Export Compliance as part of the Export Compliance Framework.
In the case of attendance at the BIS Training in the USA, the qualification will be extended.