minimizes the negative and legal consequences of your actions,
protects the reputation and "health" of your organization
International Master
2024 - 2025
The Master is aimed at entrepreneurs, executives, managers, officers and professionals in the private and public sector and to anyone interested in the profession and / or function of Export Compliance Officer.
Sanctions Compliance provides critical support to organizations of any size in the management of Compliance Risk; a risk of legal or regulatory sanctions, financial losses or reputation's deterioration by failing to comply with laws, regulations and legislation, codes of conduct and best practices.
Course (Basic)
Base training for organziation's employees to address the proper handling of Export Control / Sanctions issues.
DUAL-USE Classification
The Course will address the theoretical and operational knowledge base on the Classification of items (products, software and technologies) according to their technical content and their compliance with Dual Use (EU).
This is a base training on EU and US Military Trade Controls. For specific and unique export compliance issues.
Regional Course
This executive base training addresses Export & Sanctions Compliance in regions where countries do not have Export control laws or are not signatory to various control regimes but could be subject to transshipment and re-transfer of controlled items and relative payments flows.
Base Courses
The Courses are intended for both professional operators and service/business organizations’ owners engaged in cleaning and sanitizing activities within living environment and/or working spaces.
for University Academia Research
The Course is aimed to develop best practice approaches to export compliance for non-proliferation purposes in the university and academia sector.
First Academic Course at EU level.
Welcome in

to integrate principles, standards, best practices and operating procedures at national level, in order to offer to all EU countries a common method of export control as a tool that can be adopted and adapted in a proportional way to the dimensional and / or operational complexities of the organizations
- be a technical support for the decisions of governments and national authorities, as well for the political stakeolders, as custodians of the highest level of knowledge
to establish and maintain an Expert System (2012 Camp David G8 Summit Final Compliance Report) to support national authorities and exporters in assessing and determining / classifying whether a product (due to its technical content) is compliant under the regulations (Dual Use, sanctions, etc.)
to promote and organize academic courses and masters, with the aim to train qualified specialists with skills and competencies in Export and Trade Compliance

to integrate principles, standards, best practices and operating procedures at national level, in order to offer to all EU countries a common method of export control as a tool that can be adopted and adapted in a proportional way to the dimensional and / or operational complexities of the organizations
- be a technical support for the decisions of governments and national authorities, as well for the political stakeolders, as custodians of the highest level of knowledge
to establish and maintain an Expert System (2012 Camp David G8 Summit Final Compliance Report) to support national authorities and exporters in assessing and determining / classifying whether a product (due to its technical content) is compliant under the regulations (Dual Use, sanctions, etc.)
to promote and organize academic courses and masters, with the aim to train qualified specialists with skills and competencies in Export and Trade Compliance

EIFEC Academy Professors
Dott. Marco Piredda - VP Strategie e studi legislativi – Government Affairs ENI
Dott. Antonio Ciavatta - Executive ITC Counsel and Manager Europe di General Electric Corporate Legal
Prof. Paolo Biancone - Università di Torino - Dipartimento di Management
Bethany Nelson - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Prof. Guido Sassi - Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Scienze Applicate e Tecnologia
Peter Lichtenbaum - Covington - former Acting Under Secretary for Industry and Security and Acting Deputy Under Secretary for International Trade
Kevin Wolf - Akin Gump
John Smith (former Ofac Director)
Douglas N. Jacobson - Ofac Expert - Washington
Emanuela Marrone - Vodaphone
Elena Napolitano - CCO Leonardo spa
Carmen Fellows - Leonardo DRS
Alexandra Salamandra
Johan Evers - Strategic Goods Control Unit Fiandre/ DU Guidelines WG
Branislav Aleksic - Fraunhofer Institute
Agenzia Delle Dogane
Avv. Giulia Persico - STS Deloitte
Dott. Maurizio Castello - STMicroelectronics
Dott.Enrico Musso - ECC Consulting/Italy coordinator for EIFEC
Dott. Vittorio Zinzi - Telecom Italia
Dott. Antonio Cicero - Avio / General Electric Aviation
Avv. Pietro Maria Paolucci - Esperto beni a duplice uso
Dott.ssa Carlotta Bugamelli / Dott Massimiliano Mercurio - Doganalisti
Esperti del Ministero degli Affari Esteri/MEF/MISE
Luca Campitelli - Ferrari spa
Charles M. Giacoma - Director General EIFEC